domain reads well and pronounces like a single word. Short five characters it has a smooth pronunciation possble to say two ways “ln + tus” or “ln+ tu+ s”
Great value with an Estibot valuation of $ 2800US. Super short dot com domain are hard in this price point . Especially ones that are readable as one word with a couple pronunciation options!!! is headed for higher end brandable type products, services, luxury electronics, housing and personal accessories to cover off a few areas … and to get the Intus ideas flowing!
Possibly positioned for the US market but not to limited to other places abroad say Europe’s London, Paris, Rome, Asia … to other trendy affluent societies.
Reasons for Investing in
a. Like one word
b. Short 5 letter domain
c. Is a .com extension
d. Suitable for selling Luxury products & Services!
e. On auto Renewal at DynaDot RegistrarRenews: Feb 2023-02-25
f. Memorable + easy to pronounce!
g. Brandable!
Priced right with a BUY NOW of less than 10% of Estibots $2800US valuation.
Time to make your BID!
Try your Fast Transfer Afternic Offer
PS investing in 4-5 letter .com domains? Please check out 50+ short names posted here for sale!
Thank you for your interest!
P.S. Like .com’s that sound nice .. check out my or domains listed for sale!
Alternately in the intos theme could be a social media vehicle using the domain name as “intu + s” .. thus featuring the into’s of people, places, cars, toys, restaurants … Good value here to develop or hold as an investment!
domain reads well and pronounces like a single word. Short five characters it has a smooth pronunciation possble to say two ways “ln + tus” or “ln+ tu+ s”
Great value with an Estibot valuation of $ 2800US. Super short dot com domain are hard in this price point . Especially ones that are readable as one word with a couple pronunciation options!!! is headed for higher end brandable type products, services, luxury electronics, housing and personal accessories to cover off a few areas … and to get the Intus ideas flowing!
Possibly positioned for the US market but not to limited to other places abroad say Europe’s London, Paris, Rome, Asia … to other trendy affluent societies.
Reasons for Investing in
a. Like one word
b. Short 5 letter domain
c. Is a .com extension
d. Suitable for selling Luxury products & Services!
e. Renews: Feb 2023-02-25
f. Memorable + easy to pronounce!
g. Brandable!
Priced right with a BUY NOW of less than 10% of Estibots $2800US valuation.
Time to make your BID!
Try your Fast Transfer Afternic Offer
PS investing in 4-5 letter .com domains? Please check out 50+ short names posted here for sale!
Thank you for your interest!
P.S. Like .com’s that sound nice .. check out my or domains listed for sale!
Alternately in the intos theme could be a social media vehicle using the domain name as “intu + s” .. thus featuring the into’s of people, places, cars, toys, restaurants … Good value here to develop or hold as an investment!